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Program your path to success with Robotix C360

Programming can be really intimidating, but with ROBOTIX C360 you can plan and develop a sequence of understandable instructions using Blocks to solve a given problem or perform a specific task easily.

Block-based coding is the solution that makes the learning curve more gradual. Not only is it fun to learn, but also provides the foundation for learning other programming technologies.


For the most advanced students Python is also available.

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The teacher value

Robotics & Coding within a structured framework.

You can easily align ROBOTIX C360 to your teaching program. Simply follow the learning activities path, and we will do the rest.

Plan & Assess on autopilot.

ROBOTIX C360 has 400+ activities mapped alongside your students' curriculum. All student interactions are registered and give you an automated assessment. Rubrics tools for dimensions that only you can assess.

Engage students with ease.

Every activity has been meticulously designed to ensure students real learning. ROBOTIX C360 builds student confidence and motivation from their first session, and grows their skills toward complete fluency.

School outcomes

Exceed standards.

Level up CSTA’s K12 standards in your school aligning a core set of learning objectives that fulfil a complete computer science curriculum. By assuring coding literacy and the ability to prove it will make you able to differentiate from the rest.

Systematic assessment.

ROBOTIX C360 uses a rubric framework that tracks more than 25 dimensions of learning competencies and skills, through a progressive, adaptive and personalized learning experience.

Deep analytics in real time.

Every activity is a formative assessment, and responding the right way has never been easier. Identify struggling students and high achievers, then respond with targeted assignments in just a few clicks.


The Student experience

Progressive and gamified

Unlock challenges as they go, get points and badges as they complete their missions. Constant positive feedback and stimulation through gamified methods to fill their minds while they’re enjoying it.

Adaptive Content.

Not every student learns the same way and speed and we are well aware. ROBOTIX C360 teaches reduces code & robotics stress by adapting the content to each student in a fun journey of discovery.

Personalized learning pathways.

A proven online platform that helps educators understand each student's knowledge and learning progress in depth, and provides the individual support required for every student to achieve mastery.


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